Baby Back Ribs

I have been making Country Style Pork Ribs for years, and they are a family favorite.  While I love Baby Back Ribs, I’ve never made them at home.  For some reason I thought that really good Baby Back Ribs would require expensive BBQ equipment and complicated cooking techniques.  I couldn’t have been more wrong!  In fact, I would say this was one of the easiest meals that I have made of late.  Since the preparation was mostly hands off, I had plenty of time to whip up a batch of my Homemade Gluten Free BBQ Sauce.  Of course that is optional, but when I make it I always get rave reviews.

The verdict on the ribs, amazing!  From now on I’ll be making these year-round.

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Preheat the oven to 275º.  That may sound low, but the secret to tender ribs is to cook them slowly on very low heat.

Remove the packaging and pat the ribs dry.  Turn the ribs meat side down and use a sharp paring knife to loosen the white membrane.  Once you have it started, use a paper towel to grasp the membrane and pull it off.  While not absolutely necessary, removing the tough membrane will result in the most tender ribs.  If you would rather not do this, be sure to pierce the membrane all over with a knife.

Season the rack with salt, pepper and creole seasoning.

Wrap the ribs in foil and place on a large baking sheet (to catch any drips).  Bake at 275º for at least 3 hours and up to 4 hours.

When the ribs are done, use tongs to carefully open the foil.

Brush with your favorite BBQ sauce and serve.  For other serving suggestions see my homemade Potato Chips and Gluten Free Corn Bread!

Notes ♪♫ Always watch for hidden gluten in sauces and seasonings.  The BBQ sauce is my own from scratch recipe which I make for special occasions.  If using store bought, I recommend Stubbs brand which is gluten free.

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Cauliflower Pizza with BBQ Chicken

Years ago, before I even knew that I had Celiac disease I got into making pizza with a cauliflower crust.  We were trying to lose weight at the time, and I was experimenting with low carb recipes.

Today cauliflower pizza is back in our dinner rotation as a delicious gluten free, grain free option!

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Grated cauliflower has become so popular, you can find it in both the fresh and frozen food section of your market.  I still hand grate mine as it really doesn’t take that long, and you get the very best flavor and freshness.  If you have a food processor, that is another fast and easy option.

The cauliflower at the market this year have been huge.  This one is going to provide several meals for us.  I will roast florets for an easy side dish and grate the rest for pizzas and cauliflower cakes.

You will see in the preparation that I used a pizza stone for this recipe, but you can also use a regular pizza pan or a sheet pan.  Whichever you choose, you will need parchment paper for easy transfer of the pizza from pan, to oven to cutting board.


  • 4 cups grated cauliflower
  • 2 tbsp. Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • 1 cup grated Gruyere cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 lb. Chicken tenders
  • ½ sweet onion
  • 2 strips bacon
  • Olive oil
  • Gluten free BBQ Sauce, home made or purchased
  • ¾ cup grated parmesan


Grate the cauliflower using a food processor or hand grater.  Add it to a large non-stick skillet with 2 tbsp. olive oil, salt and pepper.  Cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently.  Transfer to a bowl to cool.

Beat the egg, Gruyere cheese and Italian seasoning.  Stir in the cooled cauliflower, mixing thoroughly.

Preheat the oven to 400° and line a pizza stone with parchment paper, cut to size.  Spoon the cauliflower mixture onto the parchment and spread it into an even ½” circle.  Use a spatula to smooth it out and neaten the edges.

Bake for 20 minutes at 400°, then broil for 3 minutes on high.  Here’s what it will look like.

Wipe the skillet clean and begin cooking the bacon.  Drain on paper towels and dice.  Cook the onions in the bacon fat, then push to the side and add the chicken with a little olive oil.  When the chicken has cooked through, drizzle lightly with BBQ sauce.

Brush the crust with olive oil, then lightly spread with BBQ sauce, about 4 tbsp.

Spread the chicken mixture over the crust in an even layer.

Top with grated Parmesan cheese.

Broil 3 minutes on high, you should have a little nice browning around the edges but watch that it doesn’t burn.

Slide the pizza, parchment and all onto a cutting board.  Slice with a pizza cutter and use a narrow spatula to lift it off the parchment.

Notes: ♪♫ To keep the pizza from being too soggy, bake the crust by itself and add the toppings during the last few minutes of cooking.  Be sure that all toppings are completely cooked and drained ahead of time.

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Gluten Free BBQ Chicken Potato Skin Appetizers

This is a great appetizer to make for game day or a casual get together.  The recipe is somewhat labor intensive, but if you plan ahead like I did you can cut the prep time.

I used small round baby potatoes (also called new potatoes) that are perfect for bite sized finger food.  They are uniform in size, important when you want everything to finish cooking at the same time.  They come in red and yellow which makes a nice presentation.

Servings: 20

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  • 10 small round potatoes about 2″ diameter
  • 1/2 sweet onion, cut into small dice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1/2 tsp. gluten free BBQ seasoning
  • 2 cups shredded chicken (I used 2 leg quarters)
  • gluten free BBQ sauce
  • 1/2 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
  • 4 slices of gluten free bacon, cut into 1/2″ pieces
  • 1 bunch of scallions, sliced


The day before I made Crock-Pot Rotisserie Chicken, so we had chicken for dinner that night and reserved the rest for the appetizer.

I shredded and refrigerated the meat from 2 leg quarters.  If you already have chicken leftovers this is a great way to use them up!

Brush the potatoes with olive oil and roast them at 400º for about 1 hour or until they are easily pierced with a fork.

While the potatoes are in the oven, cook the bacon until crisp and drain on paper towels.

Cook the onions and garlic in the bacon fat, stirring frequently until the onions are soft and lightly browned.

Remove the potatoes from the oven and when they are cool enough to handle, cut them in half and scoop out the centers with a spoon.  Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with BBQ seasoning, then return to the oven and bake for 10 more minutes.

Mix the reserved chicken, onions, garlic and 6 tbsp. BBQ sauce together in a bowl.

Spoon some of the chicken mixture into each potato skin, top each with another tbsp. of BBQ sauce, then sprinkle with Gruyere cheese, bacon and scallions.

You can prepare ahead up to this point, just cover and refrigerate.  Before serving, bake uncovered at 350º for 15-20 minutes, or until the potatoes are heated through and the cheese has melted.  Drizzle with more BBQ sauce and serve hot.

Serve with more BBQ sauce for dipping.

Big on flavor, this appetizer will appeal to everyone, not just those who are gluten free.  Make a double batch, everyone will want a taste or two!

Notes: ♪♫   Wondering if your BBQ Sauce is gluten free?  I love Stubbs BBQ Sauce because not only is it gluten free but also it contains no high fructose corn syrup.  Their Smokey Mesquite is my favorite flavor.  Want to learn how to make a simple, homemade Gluten Free BBQ Sauce?  Check out my recipe here.

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